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Are You Emotionally Eating or is it Binge Eating Disorder?

Do you battle with emotional eating? Sometimes it feels like an internal struggle to stop eating even when you are not hungry and absolutely full. When you eat when you are not hungry, it is a sign that there are layers of yourself that need healing or closure. It is proven that metacognition can help. You may need to ask yourself tough questions such as, “am I eating right now because I feel sadness, self-doubt, distress, anxiety, or lack of motivation?” In these moments of meditation and reflection, you can face the truth behind why you are captive to this self destructive habit.


What is Binge Eating ? 

Binge eating is a condition that causes one to devour vast amounts of food in a single sitting. Binge eaters feel out of control when trying to curb their appetite and portion control. Although it can develop in adulthood, it often starts throughout adolescence and the early stages of adulthood.



You can be at a normal weight despite the fact that most persons with binge-eating disorder are fat or overweight. Here are some indicators of binge-eating disorder:

  • Eating a disproportionately high amount of food in a short period of time, like over a two-hour period
  • You believe your eating habits are out of control.
  • Eating despite being full or not being hungry
  • Eating quickly when having a binge
  • Frequently eating by yourself or in secret Feeling down about what you eat, disgusted, humiliated, guilty, or disturbed

Common triggers to binge eating


Binge eating is influenced by a number of factors, including genetics, mental health, environment, thoughts and sentiments about weight or appearance. Additionally, melancholy and anxiety have been associated with binge eating disorder.

It is normal to experience triggers at special occasions, such as birthday parties and Thanksgiving dinners. Even when you are not hungry, it is natural for you eat guilty pleasure foods, like a cookie box or popcorn that is sitting on the conference table at work.

When packing lunch for work, large portion sizes can make binge eating more likely to happen.



Reducing periods of eating and establishing good eating habits are the main objectives of treatment for binge-eating disorder. Treatment for mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and ADHD, can decrease chances for binge eating episodes. Binge eating can be so closely linked to shame, a bad self-image, and other unpleasant emotions. You can learn how to feel more in control of your food by seeking therapy for binge eating. MindbodySoulPsychiatry is a mental health clinic that offers telehealth services to uninsured and insured patients. 


Image Sources and Content References: 

Image of disorder Source:

Binge Eating Trigger Image:

Symptoms and causes: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases