Mo’s Motivational Health Club™ provides educational fitness service products that motivate and guide you to living a healthier and happier lifestyle.

MoFit Health Club

5 Wellness Tips for Remote Workers

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There are more remote employees in the workforce today than ever before. While the comforts and conveniences of home are encouraging for some workers, others have difficulty adjusting to a work-from-home lifestyle. A traditional work-life balance requires skill and practice, and while switching to stretchy pants and Zoom meetings may feel like winning the lottery, you also need to establish a healthy daily routine to be successful.


Mo’s Motivational Health Club has some tips for helping remote workers maintain their health.


Remote promotes wellness

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Adjust to Remote Work with Wellness In Mind


  1. Energize Your Home


Transitioning to a remote environment means spending less time at the office and more time in your home. If you’re not comfortable in your space, then you’re not likely to be productive. It’s important to evaluate how the state of your dwelling makes you feel. There are several ways you can transform negative energy in your home into positive energy that reduces stress and tension:


  • Deep clean and declutter
  • Enhance and balance lighting with mirrors
  • Choose a harmonious color palette
  • Balance wood, water, and metal décor elements


  1. Optimize Your Work Area


When you find a remote job, it’s important to designate your workspace and make it as functional as possible. Having an organized and efficient setup allows you to operate smoothly and proficiently throughout the week. Prioritize your comfort with ergonomic furniture that helps maintain your posture while sitting or standing at your desk. Additionally, invest in up-to-date technology, hardware, and software that lets you work faster and better than ever before.


  1. Take Regular Breaks


According to recent survey results, 69 percent of remote employees experience burnout. When you have the luxury of working from home, you may not feel entitled to rest during the day, but without it, you’re more susceptible to anxiety. To help you manage your workload and reduce your stress levels, schedule regular breaks, and use that time to focus on yourself. Take a walk around the block, make a cup of tea or listen to your favorite guided meditation app. When you return to your desk, you’ll be rested, refreshed, and ready to tackle your projects.


  1. Leave Your House


A work-from-home job doesn’t necessarily mean you must stay home all day every day. One of the benefits of remote work that only requires a laptop and an internet connection is the freedom to work from anywhere. Park yourself at your favorite local coffee shop or head to the park to soak up the afternoon sun as you finish your weekly reports. Rent a recreational vehicle and give the digital nomad lifestyle a try as you spend a week letting nature stimulate your creative side. Digital Nomad Adventures shares some pros and cons of designing a nomad lifestyle 


  1. Find a Hobby


As a remote worker, it can be tempting to hang out at your desk far beyond your workday when there’s nothing else to do. While your boss may appreciate your dedication, this can lead to severe burnout rather quickly. A key part of self-care is finding an activity outside of your work that you enjoy doing on a regular basis. Whether you’re in training for a Spartan race or you keep a woodworking project in your garage, your mind needs a place to focus when it’s time to think about something other than your Outlook inbox.


Bonus Tip: Eat Well


When you first start working remotely, especially if you work at home, it can be easy to over indulge in snacking. Fortunately, some simple behavior changes can help improve your nutrition. It’s wise to keep your work space separate from where you eat, both physically and on your schedule. Taking scheduled breaks to eat, such as every three to four hours, helps keep you energized and well fed. It’s also a good idea to drink plenty of water and have some water rich snacks, such as fruit.


Your health and wellbeing are essential regardless of where your desk is located. Remote workers need wellness strategies just as much as office workers. With these tips, a bit of personal motivation, and a clearly defined success plan, you’ll be climbing the ladder without the commute in no time at all.


Mo’s Motivational Health Club™ provides educational fitness service products that motivate and guide you to live healthier, happier, and quality lifestyle. Our mission is to help families break the chain of lifestyle diseases by developing effective habits around wellness and fitness.

For more information, please visit our website or contact us today!